Tag: PIF

  • A critical read: Providing context for the University’s budget announcement

    On May 15th, the Gazette published a statement about the 2023-24 fiscal year and the upcoming 2024-25 budget for the university. In this statement, administrators outlined arguments regarding the university’s fiscal planning. Here, we address some points that are worth further discussion. Using investment income: A middle ground and something the university is doing The…

  • Newsletter #13 (4/19/2024)

    How many people in FAS are going to be laid off? When? How is the work going to get done after the layoffs happen? 1. The Faculty of Arts and Science Faculty Board is meeting today, Friday, April 19th at 3:30 pm in Mac-Corry B201 or via Zoom. The agenda is available here. This meeting…

  • Notes on finances from the Board of Trustees’ meeting agenda

    With the Board of Trustees meeting this week, the administration has provided a series of reports for the Board’s meeting. In this post we provide details of two interesting developments: A lower deficit and a win for transparency As part of the meeting agenda, the VP Finance and Administration provides the board with an updated…

  • Use Investment Income for Teaching and Learning

    We all know these cuts are hurting the university. We call on the administration to consider alternative paths to achieve fiscal sustainability such as increasing the budgeted income from the Pooled Investment Fund (PIF) so that we can preserve the academic mission of the university rather than the value of its investments. As illustrated in…